A few weeks ago, I mentioned how much I enjoyed McDonald's. I figured that it was better for me to admit that I like a Big Mac than to pretend to be a perfect progressive who never patronizes companies with problematic labor practices and poor environmental track records. A few of you wrote in to note that my Mickey D's habit seems antithetical to a lot of what Mother Jones stands for—and you're right.
You also got me thinking. Try as we might to live good, environmentally friendly, all-around ethical lives, no one's perfect. (In fact, there's a whole capitalist system that makes it quite hard.) So, I'm curious: What are your progressive or environmental guilty pleasures? Do you live in the desert but splurge on a long, hot shower? Do you shop at Amazon or order food with DoorDash?
I want to hear it—no judgment. Drop me a line here, and your responses might be featured in an upcoming newsletter.
—Abigail Weinberg