From Poverty to Power

We believe in the power of people – the power to overcome, to flourish, to thrive.

People like Hari Kaia Khadka, a member of a women’s self-help group in Nepal.

Through the self-help group, Hari has a safe space to learn, share and grow. Women farmers who are a part of the group learn how to increase the meat and milk productivity of their goats, connecting them to the local economy.

How We Do It

  1. A family living in poverty receives animals and training from Heifer. The animals give products like milk and eggs, which can be eaten or sold.
  2. The family learns how to create a business with their new source of income. As their business grows, so does their income.
  3. With a secure source of income, parents discover their power ... and can provide for their families in ways they’ve never been able to before.


How We Do It

  1. A family living in poverty receives animals and training from Heifer. The animals give products like milk and eggs, which can be eaten or sold.
  2. The family learns how to create a business with their new source of income. As their business grows, so does their income.
  3. With a secure source of income, parents discover their power ... and can provide for their families in ways they’ve never been able to before.


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The Power of Self-Help Groups and Cooperatives

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